Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Shakespeare rant, but not as eloquent as King Henry...

Man, I am feeling so frustrated right now! And it frustrates me that I'm frustrated, because I know I really shouldn't be.

Ok, so for my Shakespeare class we were asked to make a blog to fulfill our learning outcomes for the class. So, I made it. The end. Except not because now I need to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with it. And it's hard for me! I just don't think I'm getting what I'm supposed to do with this. Which annoys me because I don't know why it's hard for me! I can analyze literature. And I'm creative. . . sometimes. . . . I'm just having trouble applying this stuff and sharing Shakespeare meaningfully and engaging it creatively. And I hate feeling stupid. I feel like I'm being asked to take a step into uncharted territory except in my mind the earth really is flat and after the next step there isn't anything else.

Now, if I was Henry V, I'd command this stupid mental block to go hang itself. Or I'd give it a brilliant monologue that I came up with. On the spot. You know what I wish? I wish that King Henry could come give me a St. Crispin's day pep talk right now. . .

Whatever. This will all work out. Wish me luck that I'll be able to find the beauteous new opportunities that this brave new world has to offer. . .


  1. I know how you feel. Its more difficult to blog creatively than I thought. But for what its worth I've read your post and they're good!

  2. AMEN to Katie and Marina! This is SO new for me. But, I think Professor Burton understands that...he just is wanting exploration. So, I think your picture=perfect. What kind of things do you like to do? What's your major? (maybe we can help each other brainstorm ideas)

    1. Um, I like. . . art. Music. People. The Gospel. . . . The problem is that I don't know what my major is yet. I'm still trying to find it. But this is a start! Thanks for the encouragement!
